Mindstar Rising-serien
* _Mindstar Rising_ (1993)
* _Et kvantemord_ (1994)
* _Nanoblomsten_ (1995)
Natts daggry-trilogi
* _The Reality Dysfunction_ (1996)
* _Nøytroniumalkymisten_ (1997)
* _Den nakne Gud_ (1998)
Commonwealth Saga-serien
* _Pandoras stjerne_ (2004)
* _Judas Unchained_ (2005)
* _The Dreaming Void_ (2007)
Ugyldig trilogi
* _The Dreaming Void_ (2007)
* _The Temporal Void_ (2008)
* _The Evolutionary Void_ (2009)
Fallen Dragon-serien
* _Fallen Dragon_ (2010)
* _Renegade _ (2011)
* _Frelse_ (2012)
Great North Road
* _Great North Road_ (2012)
* _Manhattan i revers_ (2013)
* _The潰滅_(2014)
Andre romaner
* _Misspent Youth_ (1995)
* _Incognegro_ (2003)
* _Deathstalker Return_ (2007) (med Anne McCaffrey)
* "Killing the Dead" (1992)
* "Footvote" (1996)
* "Sonnie's Edge" (1996)
* "Escape Route" (1996)
* "Summer's Lease" (1997)
* "Se på trær vokse" (1997)
* "In the Flesh" (1998)
* "Soft Landing" (1998)
* "Neutron Jack" (1999)
* "Bethmoora" (2002)
* "En ny sjanse i Eden" (2008)
* "Hvis stjernene dør" (2009)
* "In Memoriam 01:01:2095" (2009)