- The Works of Yvon Bisardel (2021)
- I hjertet av universet (2020)
- The Gates of Heaven (2019)
- Nøklene til lykke (2018)
- Secrets of the World (2017)
- Livets mysterier (2016)
- The Wonders of Creation (2015)
- Naturens skjønnhet (2014)
- Jordens rikdom (2013)
- Himmelens prakt (2012)
– Mennesket og universet (2021)
- The Quest for Happiness (2020)
- Meningen med livet (2019)
- Natur og menneske (2018)
- Verden rundt oss (2017)
- The Wonders of Creation (2016)
- Naturens skjønnhet (2015)
- Jordens rikdom (2014)
- Himmelens prakt (2012)
- Jordens sang (2021)
– Stemmer fra himmelen (2020)
- Whispers of Nature (2019)
- Solens smil (2018)
- Tears of the Rain (2017)
- Refleksjoner av månen (2016)
- Echoes of the Stars (2015)
- Ocean Waves (2014)
- Winds of the Wind (2013)
- The Flames of Fire (2012)
- Fortellinger fra skogen (2021)
- Legends of the Sea (2020)
- Myths of the Sky (2019)
- Historier om jorden (2018)
- Tales of the Wind (2017)
- The Fire Chronicles (2016)
- The Epics of Water (2015)
- Naturens eventyr (2014)
- Tidens reiser (2013)
– Romutforskning (2012)
Spiller av
- The Mystery of Life (2021)
- The Tragedy of Man (2020)
- The Comedy of Love (2019)
- The Drama of Death (2018)
- The Farce of Madness (2017)
- The Tragi-comedy of Existence (2016)
- The Human Comedy (2015)
- Den guddommelige komedie (2014)
- The Infernal Comedy (2013)
- The Paradise Comedy (2012)