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Hva har forfatteren Alan L Keyes skrevet?


- 1996:Our Enemies in Blue:Police and the Problem of Racial Profiling (samforfattet med Roger Clegg)

- 1998:The Truth About Hillary:What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She's Gone to Hide It

- 2000:America Needs a Plan:A Conservative Vision for the New Millennium

- 2001:Den store debatten:Kristendom og islam i Amerika

- 2002:De hundre tyvene

- 2003:Liberalism:The Left's Totalitarian Fictions (samforfattet med Thomas Sowell)

- 2004:Reagan:A Life in Pictures

- 2006:Det siste kapittelet

- 2007:Obamas Amerika

- 2010:Erklæring:The American Story of Liberty, Equality, and Unity (samforfattet med Michael Medved)

- 2011:The Death of Black America:The Real Cause and Path for Healing

- 2012:Let Freedom Ring:Winning the War of Liberty over Liberalism (samforfattet med David Limbaugh)

- 2014:The Divine Economy

- 2015:Barack Obama:The Politics of Deceit

- 2017:Roten til alt ondt:Det demokratiske partiets korrupsjon og bedrag

- 2018:The Great Deceiver:The True Story of Barack Obama


- "The Failure of the Black Intellectual:A Challenge to the Black Middle Class" i Crisis (juni 1986)

- "The Color of Fear:Black Crime, White Denial" i The Public Interest (høsten 1987)

- "The Crisis of the Black Family:A Critique of Moynihan" i The American Spectator (mai 1988)

- "Affirmative Action:A Black Conservative's View" i The New Republic (desember 1988)

- "Liberalism and Black America" ​​i The Journal of Negro History (våren 1989)

- "Black Intellectuals and the Democratic Party" i Commentary (januar 1990)

- "Hva er en svart konservativ?" i The Responsive Community (Vinter 1991)

- "The Decline of Black America" ​​i The American Enterprise (mars/april 1992)

- "The Black Agenda:A Conservative Perspective" i offentlig interesse (sommeren 1993)

- "Racism and the American Intellectual" i The Weekly Standard (26. desember 1994)

- "Beyond O.J." i Den nye republikk (16. oktober 1995)

- "The End of Affirmative Action" i The New Republic (16. juni 1997)

- "The Conservative Case for Reparations" i The Washington Post (23. februar 1998)

- "The Clinton Legacy" i The New Republic (24. januar 2001)

- "Venstresidens krig mot kristendommen" i The Wall Street Journal (12. juni 2002)

- "The Death of the Democratic Party" i The Washington Post (2. november 2004)

- "Barack Obama:The Threat He Poses to America" ​​i The Washington Times (2. mars 2008)

- "The Failure of Obama" i The National Review (21. desember 2010)

- "Rooten til Black America's Problems" i The Wall Street Journal (16. august 2011)

- "The Liberal Plantation" i The New York Post (24. juli 2012)

- "Den store bedrageren" i The Washington Times (12. august 2015)

- "Hillary Clinton:The Real Threat to America" ​​i The Washington Times (21. september 2016)


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