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Hva har forfatteren Amy Yuen Yee Lo skrevet?


* The Book of Sappho (2009)

* Talking Bones:Essays (2018)

* Ghost Songs:Opera and Chinese Literature in the Age of Revolution (2022)


* "Wong Ho drar til Washington, DC" (2016)

* "Mannen som ville være keiserinne" (2019)


* _Sangerbok:300 Tang-dikt_ (2019)

Artikler og anmeldelser

* "Fra den gule faren til chic i Kina" (2005)

* "Chinatown Noir:Transnational Mobsters and the Politics of Representation" (2007)

* "Singing Her Song:Female Vocalists and the Construction of Chinese Identity in Opera and Film" (2009)

* "The Poetics of the Tang" (2010)

* "Politikken til moderne kinesisk litteratur" (2013)

* "The New Sinophobia" (2016)

* "The Death of the Chinese Restaurant" (2018)

* "The Chinese Exclusion Act and the Rise of Asian America" ​​(2019)


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