- Cutting It (2002–2004)
- Dead Man Weds (2005)
- Skamløs (2004–2005)
- Overbevisning (2004)
- Livet på Mars (2006–2007)
- The Whistleblowers (2007)
- Rettssaken mot Tony Blair (2007)
- Kollisjon (2009)
- Merlin (2009–2012)
- Over mistanke (2012–2013)
– Lov og orden:Storbritannia (2011–2014)
- The Hollow Crown (2016)
- Victoria (2019)
- White House Farm (2020)
- Twenty4Seven (2007)
- Outlaw (2007)
- Dorian Gray (2009)
- Beyond the Pole (2010)
- Perfect Sense (2011)
– The Anomaly (2015)
- Kill Command (2016)
- The Knot (2017)
- Nålepute (2018)
Kommende serie:
- Mestere i luften