- "Timeless:Thrilling Tales of Fantasy and Science Fiction" (2018)
- "The Secrets of the Universe:Unveiling the Mysteries of Our Existence" (2020)
- "The Last Hope:A Journey to the Edge of the Universe and Back" (2021)
- "The Quantum Enigma:Unraveling the Mysteries of Quantum Physics" (2022)
- "The Time Machine" (2017)
- "Det siste mennesket" (2018)
- "Den dagen da himmelen ble svart" (2019)
- "The Singularity Paradox" (2020)
Essays og artikler:
- "Science fiction og menneskehetens fremtid" (2017)
- "Søken etter utenomjordisk liv" (2018)
- "The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence" (2019)
- "Universet og vår plass i det" (2020)