* "Ett år i atomjungelen:Den sanne historien om kidnappingen og drapet på fire amerikanske soldater av det kommunistiske regimet i Afghanistan" (1982)
* "The Crime of All Crimes:The Infamous Tragedy of Dr. Sheppard" (1965)
* "Anatomy of a Betrayal:The Conspiracy to Kill Fidel Castro" (1960)
* "Deadlines and Daylight:The Story of the New York Herald Tribune" (1959)
* "The World Within My Skull" (1949)
* "De rettferdiges vei" (1939)
* "Jeg husker, jeg husker" (1938)
Artikler og noveller:
* "The Last Witness:The Death and Life of Dorothy Kilgallen" (1974) (en serie artikler for _Vanity Fair_)
* "The Assassins:Anatomy of a Contract Murder" (1963)
* "The Case of Jack Ruby" (1963)
* "Frank Costello:'Underverdenens statsminister'" (1961)
* "Carlos Marcello:The 'Untouchable' Godfather" (1960)
* "Den merkelige historien om Dr. Mario Jascalevich" (1959)
* "The Case of the Vanishing Corpse" (1958)
* "Århundrets forbrytelse" (1955)
* "Saken om de 'uskyldige' morderne" (1953)
* "The Case of the Talking Corpse" (1952)
* "The Atomic Bomb:A Documentary" (1958)
* "The Crime of All Crimes" (1964)
* "Deadlines and Daylight" (1961)
* "The World Within My Skull" (1950)