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Hva har forfatteren Frederick Oswald Langley skrevet?

Frederick Oswald Langley (1857-1931) var en britisk soldat og forfatter som tjenestegjorde i det britiske Sudan, hvor han var medarbeider av Rudyard Kipling. Han var også medlem av Royal Geographical Society og Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.

Langleys forfatterskap inkluderer:

- The Land of the White Elephant:Experiences in Indo-Kina (1892)

- In Savage Lands:A Tale of Adventure (1893)

- Historien om Khartoums hjelpeekspedisjon (1894)

- Historien om Uganda-mytteriet (1895)

- The Romance of the Cape Frontier:En historie om piratkopiering og eventyr i det sørlige Afrika (1897)

- The Land of Gold:A Tale of the Mining Days of California (1899)

- Pionerer og patrioter:En side fra Sør-Afrikas historie (1900)

- The Great North Land:A Story of Adventure in the Frozen North (1901)

- The Land of Riddles:A Tale of Adventure in Unknown Africa (1902)

- The New Land of the West:A Tale of Adventure in New Zealand (1903)

- Den røde boken:En historie om reiser og eventyr i Russland (1904)

- The Golden Horde:A Tale of Adventure in Central Asia (1905)

- The Scarlet Runner:A Story of the Land of the Aztecs (1906)

- The Black Panther:A Tale of Adventure in the Brazilian Forests (1907)

- The Lost Continent:A Story of Adventure in Atlantis (1908)

- The Last of the Incas:A Tale of Adventure in Peru (1909)

- The Lone Rider:A Story of Adventure in the Wild West (1910)

- The Fighting Legion:A Tale of Adventure in Ancient Roma (1911)

- The Greenmantle:A Tale of Adventure in Central Asia (1912)

- The Yellow Fog:A Tale of Adventure in China (1913)

- The Lion's Share:A Story of Adventure in British East Africa (1914)

- The Trail of the Tiger:A Tale of Adventure in the Malay Archipelago (1915)

- The White Rajah:A Story of Adventure in Borneo (1916)

- The Sea Rovers:A Tale of Adventure in the Caribbean (1917)

- The Black Buccaneer:A Story of Adventure in the South Seas (1918)

- Mannen fra Madagaskar:En eventyrfortelling i det indiske hav (1919)

- The Diamond Hunters:A Story of Adventure in South Africa (1920)

- The Elephant Hunters:A Tale of Adventure in Central Africa (1921)

- The Golden City:A Story of Adventure in South America (1922)

- The White Goddess:A Tale of Adventure in the Arctic (1923)

- The Black Magician:A Story of Adventure in India (1924)

- The Lost Colony:A Tale of Adventure in the New World (1925)

- The Red Emperor:A Story of Adventure in China (1926)

- The Blue Lotus:A Tale of Adventure in Tibet (1927)

- The Phantom City:A Story of Adventure in the Sahara (1928)

- The Crystal Mountain:A Tale of Adventure in the Andes (1929)

- Den hellige by:En historie om eventyr i Himalaya (1930)

- The Hidden Valley:A Tale of Adventure in the South Seas (1931)


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