* `Mirdāt al-ḥuqūq wa-manāraḥ al-sunu` (Steps of the Rights and Lighthouse of the Laws) (1798)
* `Tālī` `al-sa`d al-sa`ūd` (oppfølger til Happy Fortune) (1810)
* ``Ajā'ib al-āthār fī al-tarājim wa-al-akhbār` (Marvels of Traces in Biographys and Histories) (1820-22)
* ``Iqd al-jumān fī ta’rīkh ahl al-zamān` (kjeder av edelstener om begivenheter i perioden) (1700-tallet)
* `Inbā' al-ghumr bi-abnā' al-ʿumr` (The News of the Youth about Contemporaries) (1795-96)
* `Mir`āt al-ḥaramayn fī ikhbār al-Ḥaramayn` (Speil av de to hellige helligdommer og nyheter om de to hellige moskeer) (1795-96)
* `Rayḥānat al-alibbā' fī tadwin man lahu tariq ilā al-makhdūm min fuqarā' al-Ṣa`īd wa-Ahl al-Ḥājib wa-al-Ḥawāmid wa-al-ḥāṣirah` (Basils in Registering for the Intellect of the Intellekt God avstamning blant de fattige i Øvre Egypt, kopterne, veteranene og hoffmennene) (1806)