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Hva har forfatteren Wyndham John Albery skrevet?

Spiller av

* The Clockwork Man (1923)

* The Dark Lady of the Sonnets (1930)

* The Laughing Woman (1933)

* Noah (1935)

* Vårmøte (1938)

* Stearinlys (1941)

* To til én (1946)

* The First Gentleman (1948)

* Relative Values ​​(1951)

* The Rape of the Belt (1955)

* The Old Ladies (1957)

* Charlie Bubbles (1968)


* Historien om teatret (1947)

* Teatralske anekdoter (1955)

* The Curtain Rises (1961)

* Wynyard Browne:A Biography (1969)

* Fire skuespill av Wyndham Albery (1980)


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