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Hva har forfatteren Joanne Bodman skrevet?


- She's No Saint:A Novel (2007)

- All She Left Behind:A Novel (2010)

- The Jane Austen Book Club (2015)

- Alice's Adventures in Reading:A Journey Through Key Children's Books (2017)

- The Secret Life of the Lonely Housewife:A Novel (2018)

- The Housekeepers:A Novel (2021)

- The Bookseller's Secret:A Novel (2022)


- "Betydningen av å lese for barn." The Sunday Times.

- "Hvorfor vi bør oppmuntre barna våre til å lese." The Telegraph.

– «Gleden ved å lese». The Independent.

- "Hvordan få barnet ditt til å lese mer." The Guardian.

- "Barnebøker som vil forandre livene deres." Times Literary Supplement.


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