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Hva har forfatteren Lloyd Robinson skrevet?


- "American Dreams:The Making of the Modern Black Middle Class" (2000)

- "Who we Are:A Portrait of the Black Nation" (2003)

- "The Dream Imperative:What the Successful Know om Waking Up to Life's Challenges and Fulfilling their Destiny" (2010)

- "La oss lage mennesket:essensen av maskulinitet" (2016)


- "Black in America" ​​(2004)

- "The History of Black Wall Street" (2006)

- "The Rise of the Black Panther Party" (2007)

- "The Black Church" (2008)

- "The Great Migration:The African-American Exodus to the North" (2009)

- "A Century of Black Entrepreneurship:From Booker T. Washington to Jay-Z" (2010)

Artikler og essays:

- "Vi er ikke det vi trodde vi var" (The New York Times, 1999)

- "The State of Black America:A Time of Crisis and Opportunity" (The Huffington Post, 2010)

- "The Death of Black Wall Street" (The Atlantic, 2011)

- "Røttene til svart konservatisme" (The Washington Post, 2012)

- "Why Black Lives Matter" (Essence Magazine, 2016)


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