* The Law of God:A Systematic and Biblical Exposition (1984)
* The Person and Work of Christ:A Biblical and Historical Study (1991)
* Guds rike:En bibelsk og historisk studie (1993)
* The New Covenant:A Biblical and Historical Study (1997)
* The Church:A Biblical and Historical Study (2000)
* The Last Things:A Biblical and Historical Study (2003)
* Hermeneutikk:Prinsipper og prosesser for bibelsk tolkning (2006)
* Systematic Theology:A Compendium (2010)
* Den hellige ånd:en bibelsk og historisk studie (2014)
* Bibelen og evangeliet:Å gjenopprette Skriftens enhet (2018)
* "The Law of God:A Systematic and Biblical Exposition" i Bibliotheca Sacra (1984)
* "The Person and Work of Christ:A Biblical and Historical Study" i Bibliotheca Sacra (1991)
* "The Kingdom of God:A Biblical and Historical Study" i Bibliotheca Sacra (1993)
* "The New Covenant:A Biblical and Historical Study" i Bibliotheca Sacra (1997)
* "Kirken:En bibelsk og historisk studie" i Bibliotheca Sacra (2000)
* "The Last Things:A Biblical and Historical Study" i Bibliotheca Sacra (2003)
* "Hermeneutics:Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation" i Bibliotheca Sacra (2006)
* "Systematic Theology:A Compendium" i Bibliotheca Sacra (2010)
* "The Holy Spirit:A Biblical and Historical Study" i Bibliotheca Sacra (2014)
* "Bibelen og evangeliet:Å gjenopprette Skriftens enhet" i Bibliotheca Sacra (2018)