* The New Suburban Landscape (1968)
* Power in Contemporary Society (1973)
* Arbeid og samfunn i USA (1981)
* Fra skole til jobb:The Role of Basic Education in Occupational Training (1988)
* The Future of Work:Jobs and Society in a Changing World (1999)
* The Global Workplace:Challenges and Opportunities (2003)
* The Workforce of the Future:Shaping Opportunities and Challenges (2007)
* Arbeidssosiologien:en introduksjon (2011)
* The World of Work:An Introduction to Labour and Industrial Relations (2015)
I tillegg til sitt akademiske arbeid, har Soloff også skrevet flere bøker for et mer generelt publikum, inkludert:
* Building a Better America:A Plan for Economic Growth and Social Justice (1993)
* Reclaiming the American Dream:A Prescription for a Prosperous and Just Society (1998)
* The Case for a Living Wage (2000)
* Creating a More Just World:The Role of Social Movements in the 21st Century (2005)
* The Future of Social Movements:Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century (2011)
Soloffs arbeid er oversatt til mange språk og har blitt mye brukt på universiteter og høyskoler rundt om i verden. Han har også mottatt en rekke priser for sitt arbeid, inkludert American Sociological Association's Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Award, Society for the Study of Social Problems' C. Wright Mills Award, og International Sociological Association's Research Award.