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Hva har forfatteren Otto Whittaker skrevet?


* *Det store bedraget* (2007)

* *The Bone House* (2008)

* *The Resurrectionist* (2010)

* *Death and the Maiden* (2012)

* *Det svarte rommet* (2014)

* *Djevelen i Marshalsea* (2016)

* *The Ghosts of Paris* (2018)

* *The Poisoned Pawn* (2020)


* "Dead Man's Lane" (2010)

* "The Secret of the Silver Skull" (2011)

* "The Hangman's Noose" (2012)

* "Kroppen i biblioteket" (2013)

* "Saken om det savnede vitnet" (2014)

* "The Mysterious Death of Mr. Jones" (2015)

* "Forbannelsen til faraos grav" (2016)

* "The Phantom of the Opera" (2017)


* *A History of the Marshalsea Prison* (2011)

* *The Great Fire of London* (2012)

* *Jack the Ripper:The Case Reopened* (2013)

* *The Black Death:A History of the Plague* (2014)

* *The Tudors:A History of England* (2015)

* *The Stuarts:A History of England* (2016)

* *Hanoverianerne:A History of England* (2017)


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