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Hva har forfatteren Eloi Biosca skrevet?


* Året for flommen (1994)

* The Time of Heroes (1996)

* War of the Salamanders (1998)

* Verdens siste dag (2000)

* Dead Man's Secret (2002)

* Manuskriptets gåte (2004)

* Return of the Templar (2006)

* Profetien til Nostradamus (2008)

* Da Vinci-koden (2009)

*Kennedy-attentatet (2011)

* Verdens ende (2012)


* The Enigma of the Templars (2005)

* The Mystery of the Grail (2007)

* Menneskehetens hemmelige historie (2010)

* The Bible Code (2012)

* Profetiene til Nostradamus (2013)

* The Apocalypse (2014)

* Verdens ende (2015)


* Tales of the Salamander War (2001)

* Tales from the Time of Heroes (2003)

* Fortellinger fra verdens siste dag (2005)

* Dead Man's Secret Tales (2007)

* Tales from the Manuscript Enigma (2009)

* Tales of the Templar's Return (2011)

* Tales of the Prophecy of Nostradamus (2013)

* Fortellinger fra Da Vinci-koden (2015)

*Tales of the Kennedy Assassination (2017)

* Fortellinger fra verdens ende (2019)


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