* "Green and Amber:A Novel of the Amazon" (2019)
* "A Single Tear:A Novel of Colonial Kenya" (2017)
* "The Lady and the Lion:A Novel of Ethiopia" (2015)
* "The Sound of a Dove:A Novel of Portuguese India" (2013)
* "The Secret Keeper of Jaipur:A Novel of India" (2011)
* "The Jasmine Throne:A Novel of Mughal India" (2009)
* "The Mango Orchard" (2021)
* "Silkekaravanen" (2020)
* "Elefantkongen" (2018)
* "Tiggerprinsen" (2016)
* "The Dancing Girl" (2014)
* "The Hidden Treasures of India:A Guide to the Country's Cultural Landmarks" (2022)
* "Øst-Afrika:En kulturell og historisk utforskning" (2020)
* "Sør-Amerika:En reise gjennom kontinentets mangfoldige landskap" (2018)
* "Reiser i Asia:En guide til regionens beste destinasjoner" (2016)
* "Reiser til Europa:Utforske kontinentets kunst, historie og arkitektur" (2014)