- "How to Live Longer and Feel Better:The Holistic Way to Health" (1984)
- "Alternativ medisin:Hva fungerer" (1990)
- "The Holistic Health Handbook:What You Need to Know to Be Healthy and Well" (1993)
- "The Cancer Handbook:A Comprehensive Guide to Alternative and Conventional Cancer Treatments" (2000)
- "Din guide til naturlig helbredelse:Hva du trenger å vite for å holde deg frisk" (2003)
- "Hva legen din kanskje ikke forteller deg om kreft" (2008)
- "The Cancer Survival Guide:How to Beat Cancer and Stay Healthy" (2011)
- "The Holistic Heart Book:What Your Doctor May Not Fortell You About Heart Disease and How to Prevention and Reverse It" (2014)
- "The Diabetes Handbook:A Comprehensive Guide to Alternative and Conventional Diabetes Treatments" (2016)
- "The Alzheimer's Handbook:A Comprehensive Guide to Alternative and Conventional Alzheimer's Treatments" (2018)
*Artikler og tidsskrifter
- Bliss, W. (1984). "Holistisk medisin:En ny tilnærming til helse." American Health, 3(1), 18-22.
- Bliss, W. (1990). "Alternativ medisin:Hva virker." Consumer Reports, 55(1), 16-22.
- Bliss, W. (2000). "Krefthåndboken:En omfattende guide til alternative og konvensjonelle kreftbehandlinger." Berkeley, CA:Celestial Arts.