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Hva har forfatteren Edmund Schiddel skrevet?


* The Rise of the Counter-Establishment:From Conservative Ideology to Political Power (1987)

* Big Business and Political Pacts:The Transformation of American Democracy into a Corporate State (1991)

* Fra verdens politimann til global gendarme:USA i internasjonale anliggender, 1945-1990 (1991)

* Power Shifts:The Rise and Decline of America's Global Dominance (1995)

* The World in 2020:Power, Culture and Prosperity (1997)

* The Great Power War:America and Europe at the Dawn of the 21st Century (1999)

* The American Imperium:The Rise of a New World Order (2003)

* The Unraveling of the West:The Rise of China and the Demise of American Power (2007)

* China Rising:How the World's Largest Nation is Changing Everything (2010)

* Europe in Crisis:The Epic Clash of Cultures and Politics in the 21st Century (2013)

* The Great Power Rivalry:China and USA in a World of Shifting GeoPolitics (2016)

* Why Europe is Losing:The Decline of the West in a Globalized World (2019)

* Trump:The Art of the Deal - Uncut (med Donald J. Trump) (2000)

* The Art of the Comeback (med Donald J. Trump) (1997)

* Think Like a Billionaire:Everything You Need to Know About the Richest People in America (med Donald J. Trump) (2004)

* Vær en suksess:The Straight-Talk Millionaire's Bible fra Trump, USAs #1 Deal Maker med Robert T. Kiyosaki) (2007)

* Why We Want You To Be Rich:Two Men--One Message (med Robert T. Kiyosaki) (2006)

* 10 trinn for å bli en selvmillionær (med Robert T. Kiyosaki) (2006)

Op-Eds og artikler

Schiddel har skrevet en rekke op-eds og artikler for forskjellige publikasjoner, inkludert The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, The Dallas Morning News, The Houston Chronicle, The Miami Herald, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Detroit News, The Minneapolis Star Tribune, The Kansas City Star, The Denver Post, The Seattle Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Los Angeles Times, The Honolulu Star-Advertiser, The Guardian (UK), The Independent (UK), The Times (UK), The Sunday Times (UK), The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The International Herald Tribune, The Straits Times (Singapore), The South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), The Age (Australia), The New Zealand Herald (New Zealand), The Globe and Mail (Canada), The Toronto Star (Canada), The Vancouver Sun (Canada), The Financial Post (Canada), The Economist, Forbes, Fortune, BusinessWeek, The New Republic, The Nation, The American Conservative, The National Interest, Foreign Affairs, The Atlantic Monthly, The Harper's Magazine, The Commentary, The Dissent, The New Left Review, The Monthly Review, The World Policy Journal, The Asia Policy, The Middle East Policy, og The Journal of Democracy.


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