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Hva har forfatteren Max Rene Hesse skrevet?


- _Alexander_ (2009)

- _Dead Girls Lie_ (2010)

- _The Stones That Remain_ (2011)

- _Guttene på Baker Street_ (2012)

- _The Circle of Blood_ (2013)

- _The Rules of Survival_ (2014)

- _Jenta i den blå frakken_ (2015)

- _The End of Days_ (2016)

- _The Last Girl Standing_ (2017)

- _Jenta i slottet_ (2018)

- _The Blood of Olympus_ (2019)

- _The Trials of Apollo_ (2020)

- _Tårnet av Nero_ (2021)


- "The Last Days of Pompeii" (2011)

- "The Ghost of Baker Street" (2012)

- "The Mystery of the Blue Room" (2013)

- "The Curse of the Pharaohs" (2014)

- "The Secret of the Lost City" (2015)

- "The Adventure of the Orient Express" (2016)

- "The Case of the Missing Manuscript" (2017)

- "The Mystery of the Haunted House" (2018)

- "Århundrets forbrytelse" (2019)

- "The Puzzle of the Missing Piece" (2020)

Andre skrifter:

- _The Making of Alexander_ (2009)

- _The Making of Dead Girls Lie_ (2010)

- _The Making of The Stones That Remain_ (2011)

- _The Making of The Boys on Baker Street_ (2012)

- _The Making of The Circle of Blood_ (2013)

- _The Making of The Rules of Survival_ (2014)

- _The Making of The Girl in the Blue Coat_ (2015)

- _The Making of The End of Days_ (2016)

- _The Making of The Last Girl Standing_ (2017)

- _The Making of The Girl in the Castle_ (2018)

- _The Making of The Blood of Olympus_ (2019)

- _The Making of The Trials of Apollo_ (2020)

- _The Making of The Tower of Nero_ (2021)


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