Arts >> Kunst >  >> Bøker >> Forfattere

Hva har forfatteren Brian Stanley Preen skrevet?


- Shadow Man (1978)

- The Grave Maurice (1981)

- The Trojan Odyssey (1984)

- The Gods Of Orion (1985)

- Steinhagen (1986)

- Krystallverden (1987)

- Starbridge (1989)

- Sanctuary World (1990)

- Judas Mandala (1992)

- The Shiva Option (1993)

- Temple (1995)

- The Dreaming Dragons (1995)

- Red Shift (1996)

- The Mosaic Codex (1997)

- Fire Dance (1998)

- Skyfall (1999)

- The Omega Scroll (2000)

- Phoenix Rising (2001)

- Time Storm (2002)

- Infinity Engine (2003)

- Earthseed (2004)

- Firestorm (2005)

- Icehenge (2006)

- Quantum Time Slip (2007)

- Ormehull (2008)

- Dragonstorm (2009)

- Timequake (2010)

- Zero Hour (2011)

- Singularity (2012)

- Event Horizon (2013)

- Mørk materie (2014)

- Armageddon (2015)

- Apokalypse (2016)

– Genesis (2017)

- Åpenbaring (2018)


- The Dreaming Dragons and Other Stories (1985)

- Time Storm og andre historier (2007)


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