* The Soil and the Soul (1945)
* Denne lille skyen (1946)
* Gjennombrudd (1947)
* Tid husket (1949)
* The Orchid House (1953)
* Alt vi besitter (1955)
* A Time for Outrage (1957)
* Into the Dream (1958)
* Ta en jente som deg (1960)
* The Slaughterhouse Informer (1964)
* The Dispensable Wife (1965)
* The New Possession (1967)
* King Death (1969)
* The Mortal Wound (1970)
* Not in Our Stars (1971)
* The Grape Vine (1973)
* I begynnelsen (1975)
* The Unforgiven (1977)
* Jord og sivilisasjon (1952)
* The Odyssey of a Gardener (1955)
* Food and Wine:A Guide to Good Living (1958)
* Planter i hjemmet (1959)
* Nyt ugresset ditt (1960)
* The Grape Vine i England (1962)
* Trær for hver hage (1963)
* Gardens and Gardening:A Guide for the Novice (1965)
* The Grape Vine:A New Approach to an Ancient Art (1967)
* The Story of Orchids (1968)
* Roses (1970)
* Plants In Pots:A Guide to Indoor and Patio Gardening (1972)
* Det engelske kjøkken (1974)
* Trær for by og land (1975)
* The Vegetable Garden:A New Approach (1977)
* Wild Flowers in Colour:A Guide to Familiar Plants (1979)
* Hyams' Fruit Book:A Guide to Fruit Growing for the Home Gardener (1981)
* The Crab-Apple Tree:A Monograph of the Genus Malus, Section Chloromeles (1983)
* Edward Hyams' Kitchen Companion (1985)
* The Last of the Country House Cooks (1987)
* På jakt etter den engelske hyttehagen (1989)
* The Coming of the King (1943)
* Dikt fra nord (1943)
* Poetens notatbok (1945)
* Utvalgte dikt (1947)
* Nye dikt (1949)
* Samlede dikt (1951)