Arts >> Kunst >  >> Bøker >> Forfattere

Hva har forfatteren J Thurkettle skrevet?


* *Den gyldne nøkkel* (2006)

* *Den svarte pyramiden* (2007)

* *The Silver Serpent* (2010)

* *The Fire Hawk* (2012)

* *The Ice Titan* (2014)


* "Dragonshadow" (2008, i antologien _The Young Wizards Guide to Dragons_)

* "Dragonslayer" (2009, i antologien _The Young Wizards Guide to Dragons II_)

* "Dragonflight" (2010, i antologien _The Young Wizards Guide to Dragons III_)

* "The Dragon's Eye" (2011, i antologien _The Young Wizards Guide to Dragons IV_)

* "The Dragon's Wrath" (2012, i antologien _The Young Wizards Guide to Dragons V_)

* "The Dragon's Legacy" (2013, i antologien _The Young Wizards Guide to Dragons VI_)

* "The Dragon's Gift" (2014, i antologien _The Young Wizards Guide to Dragons VII_)

* "The Dragon's Destiny" (2015, i antologien _The Young Wizards Guide to Dragons VIII_)


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