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Hva har forfatteren Digby P Starkey skrevet?


* The Inventory:A History of the Roman Villa in Late Antiquity (2016)

* The Monarchy of England:The Beginnings (2014)

* Henry:Virtuous Prince (2013)

* Magna Carta:The People's Charter (2015)

* Crown and Country:A History of England from the Middle Ages to the Tudors (2011)

* The English Court:From the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War (2008)

* Splendor at Court:Renaissance Spectacle and the Theatre of Power (2008)

* Det nye riket:Skottland og England, 1542–1603 (2004)

* Monarki:Fra middelalder til modernitet (2003)

* Elizabeth:Lærling (2000)

* The King's Reformation:Henry VIII and the Remaking of the English Church (2009)

* The Reign of Henry VII (1990)

* Elizabeth:The Struggle for the Throne (2000)

* Den engelske domstolen i senere middelalder (1987)

* The English Victualling Office (1978)

* The Church of England, 1000-1500 (1990)

* The Hollow Crown:A History of Britain in the Late Middle Ages (2004)


* The Devil's Brood:A Novel (2013)

* The Serpent's Tongue:A Novel (2014)

* The Iron Crown:A Novel (2018)


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