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Hva har forfatteren Dorothy Butler skrevet?


* _Child's Play:A Study of the Activities and Attitudes of Young Children_ (1949)

* _Baby Needs_ (1952)

* _Cuddles:A Young Child's First Experiences_ (1956)

* _Babyens første år_ (1959)

* _The Hurried Child:Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon_ (1970)

* _Foreldre kan være lærere:et kurs i tidlig læring for foreldre til førskolebarn_ (1978)

* _Song in My Heart:Memories of Our Songs and Singing Games_ (1980)

* _Leke og lære:En guide til læring gjennom lek for barna i livet ditt_ (1983)

* _The Wonder Years:Helping Your Child From Infancy to Adolescence_ (1990)

* _The Family Book of Games_ (1991)

* _The Family Christmas Treasury_ (1991)

* _The Family Book of Crafts_ (1992)

* _The Family Book of Science_ (1993)

* _The Family Book of Nature_ (1994)

* _The Family Book of History_ (1995)


* "Betydningen av lek i tidlig barndomsutvikling" (1954)

* "Hva foreldre kan gjøre for å hjelpe barna å lære" (1956)

* "Effektene av TV på små barn" (1960)

* "The Hurried Child:Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon" (1970)

* "Foreldre kan være lærere:Et kurs i tidlig læring for foreldre til førskolebarn" (1978)

* "Betydningen av å lese for barn" (1982)

* "Playing and Learning:A Guide to Learning Through Play for the Children in Your Life" (1983)

* "The Wonder Years:Helping Your Child From Infancy to Adolescence" (1990)

* "The Family Book of Games" (1991)

* "The Family Christmas Treasury" (1991)

* "The Family Book of Crafts" (1992)

* "The Family Book of Science" (1993)

* "The Family Book of Nature" (1994)

* "The Family Book of History" (1995)


* Child Study Association of America Annual Book Award (1952)

* Parents' Magazine Medal Award (1956)

* American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Child Development (1971)

* National Education Association Award for fremragende bidrag til utdanning (1983)

* Children's Book Council of Australia-prisen for årets bildebok (1991)

* American Library Association Notable Children's Book Award (1992)


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