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Hva har forfatteren William Reginald Loader skrevet?


- _Jesus at the Temple:The South Indian Temple Background to Johannine Christology_ (1993)

- _Det fjerde evangeliets kristologi_ (1994)

- _Johannine Studies_ (2004)

- _I hvem er sannhet?:Refleksjoner over forholdet mellom kristendom og andre religiøse tradisjoner_ (2008)

- _For Sions skyld:Studier av Det gamle testamente og dets innflytelse i Johannes litteratur_ (2009)

- _Kristologien til Det nye testamente:En narrativ tilnærming_ (2010)


- "Johannine Christology and Temple Cult:A Proposal" i _Journal of Biblical Literature_ 107 (1988):637–54

- "Johannine Christology:Current Trends and Directions" i _New Testament Studies_ 35 (1989):218–37

- "Tempelrullen og Johannes kristologi" i _Journal for the Study of the New Testament_ 12 (1990):71–82

- "Johannine Christology and Gnosticism" i _Journal of Theological Studies_ 42 (1991):375–404

- "The Johannine Christology and Divine Transcendence" i _Scottish Journal of Theology_ 44 (1991):1–18

- "Johannine Christology and Jewish Apocalypticism" i _Journal for the Study of the New Testament_ 14 (1992):77–99

- "Guds sønn i det fjerde evangeliet:en kritisk undersøkelse av nyere forskning" i _Journal for the Study of the New Testament_ 15 (1993):103–26

- "Inhabiting God and Being Found in Him:Some Johannine Reflections on the Divine Life Within the Christian Believer" i _Studies in Christian Thought_ 25 (1994):5–18

- "Johannine Christology:Reflections on Method" i _Themelios_ 21 (1996):18–25

- "Jesus and Salvation:A Johannine Perspective" i _Evangelical Quarterly_ 68 (1996):107–19

- "Templets rolle i Johannes kristologi" i _Themelios_ 22 (1997):2–9

- "Johannine Christology and Jewish Mysticism" i _Evangelical Quarterly_ 69 (1997):143–54

- "The Johannine Christology and Modern Theology:Two Case Studies" in _Biblical Interpretation_ 5 (1997):105–26

- "Johannine Christology and Contemporary Jewish Thought" i _Evangelical Quarterly_ 71 (1999):33–42

- "The Historical Jesus and Johannine Christology:Toward a Dialogue" i _Ashland Theological Journal_ 33 (2000):21–40

- "The Johannine Christology and Paul Tillich's Theology of Word and Spirit" i _Ashland Theological Journal_ 34 (2001):105–20

- "Johannine Christology and Postcolonial Thought:Toward a Liberationist Reading of the Fourth Gospel" i _Ashland Theological Journal_ 35 (2002):161–78

- "Johannine Christology:Some Concluding Reflections" i _Themelios_ 27 (2002):19–24


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