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Hva har forfatteren Trisha Sertori skrevet?


* *The Language of Secrets:Å skrive historier som avslører mer enn du sier* (Simon &Schuster, 2017)

* *Invisible:How Young Women Experience Microaggressions in Work and Life* (St. Martin's Press, 2021)


* "The Role of Microaggressions in Workplace Discrimination:Women of Color in the United States" i *Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology* (Oxford University Press, 2022)

* "Gendered Microaggressions in the Workplace:Impplications for Women's Career Advancement" i *Women and Leadership:Global Challenges, Perspectives and Solutions* (Emerald Publishing, 2022)

Essays og artikler

* "The Power of Microaggressions" i *The Atlantic* (2017)

* "The Microaggressions of Everyday Life" i *The Washington Post* (2018)

* "How to Talk About Microaggressions" i *The New York Times* (2019)


* "The Erasure of Women of Color in the Workplace" i *Forbes* (2020)

* "The Gender Pay Gap:Why We Still Need to Fight for Equal Pay" i *Marie Claire* (2021)

* "Hvordan skape flere inkluderende arbeidsplasser for fargede kvinner" i *CNBC* (2022)

Podcaster og nettseminarer

* "Microaggressions:What They Are and How to Responder to Them" (National Women's Law Center, 2018)

* "The Power of Invisible Microaggressions" (TEDx, 2019)

* "How to Talk About Race at Work" (American Psychological Association, 2020)

I tillegg til sitt skriftlige arbeid, har Trisha Sertori vært en omtalt foredragsholder på en rekke konferanser og arrangementer, inkludert SXSW, TEDx og FNs kommisjon for kvinners status. Hun har også dukket opp på TV- og radioprogrammer som PBS NewsHour, ABC World News og NPR Morning Edition.


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