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Hvor mange album laget Ozzy Osbourne?


* Blizzard of Ozz (1980)

* Diary of a Madman (1981)

* Bark at the Moon (1983)

* The Ultimate Sin (1986)

* No Rest for the Wicked (1988)

* Ozzmosis (1995)

* Down to Earth (2001)

* Under Cover (2005)*

* Black Rain (2007)

* Skrik (2010)

* Ordinary Man (2020)

* Pasient nummer 9 (2022)


* Snakk om djevelen (1982)

* Tribute (1987)

* Live &Loud (1993)

* Ozzy Live (2011)**


* Best of Ozzy Osbourne (1991)

* The Ozzman Cometh (1997)

* Prince of Darkness (2005)

* Essential Ozzy Osbourne (2002)

* Memento Mori (2014)

Utvidede avspillinger

* Mr. Crowley (1980)

* Alive &Screamin' (1981)

*Dette er et coveralbum.

Totalt album: 20 studioer, 5 live, 7 samlinger, 2 utvidede skuespill

Band og Artister

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