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Hva slags priser mottok Arthur Miller?

* Pulitzer-prisen for beste drama (1949) for "Death of a Salesman"

* Tony Award for beste spill (1947) for "All My Sons"

* Tony Award for beste forfatter (1950) for "Death of a Salesman"

* New York Drama Critics' Circle Award for beste skuespill (1947) for "All My Sons"

* New York Drama Critics' Circle Award for beste skuespill (1949) for "Death of a Salesman"

* Venice Film Festival Award for beste manus (1956) for "The Crucible"

* Golden Globe Award for beste manus (1957) for "The Crucible"

* Academy Award for beste tilpassede manus (1957) for "The Crucible"

* BAFTA-pris for beste utenlandske manus (1958) for "The Crucible"

* PEN/Malamud-prisen (1978)

* National Medal of Arts (1986)

* Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre (1993)

* Laurence Olivier-prisen for beste nye skuespill (1996) for "The Ride Down Mt. Morgan"

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