* The Politics of the English Civil War (1969)
* Ideologi og arbeiderbevegelsen (1981)
* New Philosophers:A Guide to the Current Thought in France (med Tony Wright, 1982)
* Regjeringen (med Tony Wright, 1984)
* The Left in Europe:A Guide to Party Programs and Policies (med Michael Wickham og John Hitcock, 1990)
* Europeisk politikk (med Michael Smith, 1993)
* Sosialdemokrati i Europa (1994)
* Contemporary Europe (med Michael Smith, 1996)
* The Political Economy of Corporatism (1996)
* Korporatisme i komparativt perspektiv (1997)
* The Third Way:A Third Path for Europe (2000)
* Opprinnelsen til velferdsstaten i England og Tyskland (2002)
* New Perspectives in European Politics (med Robert Ladrech, 2004)
* European Social Democracy:A Reader (redigert med Donatella della Porta, 2006)
* Neoliberalism:A Critical Reader (redigert med Yves Sintomer, 2008)
* Globalisering og kapitalisme (med Yves Sintomer, 2010)
* Nøysomhet og dens misnøye:Kapitalisme og den politiske krisen i Europa (2015)
* The Political Economy of Austerity (redigert med Yves Sintomer, 2017)
* The Crisis of Neoliberalism:Welfare and the Politics of Austerity (2018)
* "The State Corporatist Theory of Politics:A Critique" (med Bob Jessop, 1980)
* "The Corporatist State and Neoliberal Austerity" (2014)
* "Why Austerity Won't Work:The Political Economy of Crisis and Resistance in Europe" (2016)
* "The Political Foundations of Austerity:A Genealogy" (2018)
* "The Future of European Social Democracy:Hva kan vi lære av fortiden?" (2021)