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Hva har forfatteren Vince Bagli skrevet?

Vince Bagli er en amerikansk tegneseriekunstner kjent for sitt arbeid med titler som *Spider-Man*, *Ultimate Spider-Man*, *Hulk*, *Captain America*, *The Avengers* og *Daredevil*. Han har også jobbet med andre prosjekter, inkludert *Star Wars:Legacy*-serien og *The Other Dead*.

Her er en liste over noen av tegneserieseriene som Vince Bagli har jobbet med:

* Spider-Man

* Ultimate Spider-Man

* Hulk

* Captain America

* The Avengers

* Daredevil

* Star Wars:Legacy

* De andre døde

* De nye mutantene

* X-Factor

* X-Men

* Jerv

* Fantastiske fire

* Iron Man


* The Punisher

* Deadpool

* Thunderbolts

* Squadron Supreme

* Nye krigere

* Heroes for Hire

* Forsvarerne

* The New Avengers

* The Mighty Avengers

* Secret Avengers

* Uncanny Avengers

* Apocalypse Age

* Huset til M

* Borgerkrig

* Hulk fra verdenskrig

* Hemmelig invasjon

* Dark Reign

* Beleiring

* Forundre NÅ!

* Helt nytt, helt annerledes Marvel

* Marvel Legacy

* Marvel Fresh Start

* Marvel's Spider-Man:City at War

* Captain America:Steve Rogers

* Den uverdige Thor

* The Totally Awesome Hulk

* Gammel mann Logan

* Ekstraordinære X-Men

* Inhumans vs. X-Men

* Generasjoner

* The Uncanny Inhumans

* The Defenders:The Best Defense

* The Punisher:The Platoon

* Deadpool:The Assassin

* Thunderbolts:The Caged Heat

* Squadron Supreme:The End

* New Warriors:The Children's Crusade

* Heroes for Hire:The State of Fear

* The Defenders:The Last Days of the Defenders

* The New Avengers:The Reunion

* The Mighty Avengers:The Unspoken

* Secret Avengers:The Serpent Society

* Uncanny Avengers:The Apocalypse Wars

* Age of Apocalypse:The Age of X-Man

* House of M:The Day After

* Civil War:The Confession

* World War Hulk:The Gamma Files

* Secret Invasion:The Skrull Kill Krew

* Dark Reign:The Cabal

* Beleiring:Kabalen

* Marvel NOW!:The Avengers

* Helt nytt, helt annerledes Marvel:The Mighty Thor

* Marvel Legacy:The Champions

* Marvel Fresh Start:The Amazing Spider-Man

* Marvel's Spider-Man:City at War:The Spider-Verse

* Captain America:Steve Rogers:The Truth

* The Unworthy Thor:The War of the Realms

* The Totally Awesome Hulk:The Maestro

* Old Man Logan:The Wastelanders

* Extraordinary X-Men:The Apocalypse Solution

* Inhumans vs. X-Men:The Last Inhuman Story

* Generations:The Legacy of Marvel

* The Uncanny Inhumans:The X-Men and the Inhumans

* The Defenders:The Best Defense:The Defenders and the Serpent Society

* The Punisher:The Platoon:The Punisher and the Hand

* Deadpool:The Assassin:The Deadpool and the Brotherhood of Mutants

* Thunderbolts:The Caged Heat:The Thunderbolts and the Wrecking Crew

* Squadron Supreme:The End:The Squadron Supreme and the Multiverse

* New Warriors:The Children's Crusade:The New Warriors and the Runaways

* Heroes for Hire:The State of Fear:The Heroes for Hire and the Zodiac

* The Defenders:The Last Days of the Defenders:The Defenders and the Secret Defenders

* The New Avengers:The Reunion:The New Avengers and the Dark Avengers

* The Mighty Avengers:The Unspoken:The Mighty Avengers and the Cabal

* Secret Avengers:The Serpent Society:The Secret Avengers and the Serpent Society

* Uncanny Avengers:The Apocalypse Wars:The Uncanny Avengers and the Apocalypse Twins

* Age of Apocalypse:The Age of X-Man:The Age of Apocalypse and the Age of X-Man

* House of M:The Day After:The House of M og M-dagen


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