- _Den italienske forbindelsen_ (1988)
- _The Vatican Connection_ (1989)
- _The American Connection_ (1990)
- _Den kinesiske forbindelsen_ (1991)
- _Den russiske forbindelsen_ (1992)
- _Den japanske forbindelsen_ (1993)
- _Den arabiske forbindelsen_ (1994)
- _Den tyske forbindelsen_ (1995)
- _The British Connection_ (1996)
- _Den franske forbindelsen_ (1997)
- _Den spanske forbindelsen_ (1998)
- _Den portugisiske forbindelsen_ (1999)
- _Den greske forbindelsen_ (2000)
- _Den tyrkiske forbindelsen_ (2001)
- _Den egyptiske forbindelsen_ (2002)
- _The Israeli Connection_ (2003)
- _Den palestinske forbindelsen_ (2004)
- _The Libanese Connection_ (2005)
- _Den syriske forbindelsen_ (2006)
- _The Iraqi Connection_ (2007)
- _Den iranske forbindelsen_ (2008)
- _Den afghanske forbindelsen_ (2009)
- _Den pakistanske forbindelsen_ (2010)
- _The Indian Connection_ (2011)
- _The Bangladesh Connection_ (2012)
- _The Nepalese Connection_ (2013)
- _The Bhutanese Connection_ (2014)
- _The Sri Lankan Connection_ (2015)
- _The Maldives Connection_ (2016)
- _The Poison Diary:The Real Life of a Spy in the 21st Century_ (2011)
- _The Red Spy Queen:Her Life, Her Lies, Her Betrayal_ (2012)
- _The Man from Moscow:The Life and Lies of a KGB-oberst_ (2013)
- _The Defector:The Spy Who Turned Against Russia_ (2014)
- _Spionen som kom inn fra kulden:The True Story of Aldrich Ames_ (2015)
- _The Farewell Dossier:The Untold Story of CIA's Secret War Against Russia_ (2016)
- _The Shadow Factory:The Ultra-Secret NSA Facility That Decrypted the World's Communications_ (2017)
- _Mitrokhin-arkivet:KGBs hemmelige filer_ (2018)
- _The Spymaster's Secrets:The Hidden Lives of the CIA's Directors_ (2019)
- _Kremlins føflekk:Den sanne historien om KGBs mann i det hvite hus_ (2020)