* The Art of Spiritual Writing:A Guide for Today's Writers (2008)
* Saints Among Us:Extraordinary People Changing Our World (2009)
* The Saints Today:Modern-Day Holiness in the Catholic Tradition (2010)
* De helliges ånd (2011)
* The Heart of the Saints (2012)
* De helliges visdom (2013)
* De helliges mot (2014)
* The Joy of the Saints (2015)
* The Love of the Saints (2016)
* The Mercy of the Saints (2017)
* De helliges nåde (2018)
* De helliges tro (2019)
* The Hope of the Saints (2020)
* Hun har bidratt i ulike magasiner og aviser, inkludert:
- American Magazine
- Den katolske fordøyelsen
- Den nasjonale katolske reporteren.