Arts >> Kunst >  >> Bøker >> litteratur

Hva har forfatteren Toba Korenblum skrevet?


* The Book of Flowers:A Visual History (1998)

* The Private Lives of Trees:A Celebration in Word and Image (2004)

* The Little Book of Trees:Twenty Inspiring Trees and Why They Matter (2019)

* The Art of Trees:An Illustrated Guide to the Trees of the World (2021)

Essays og artikler

* "The Secret Language of Trees" (The New York Times, 2012)

* "Hvorfor vi trenger trær" (The Huffington Post, 2013)

* "Verdens mest fantastiske trær" (Smithsonian Magazine, 2015)

* "Hvordan trær kan redde oss" (National Geographic, 2017)

* "Livets tre" (The Atlantic, 2019)

Andre skrifter

* The Tree Museum (barnebok, 2010)

* The Tree Book (kaffebordbok, 2014)

* The Tree Journal (veiledet journal, 2018)


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