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Hva har forfatteren Geoffrey Charles Laendner skrevet?


* The Edge of Reason (2004)

* Det røde rommet (2005)

* Shadows in the Moonlight (2006)

* The Lost City (2007)

* The City of Secrets (2008)

* The Island of Shadows (2009)

* Den siste sjansen (2010)

* Fryktens hus (2011)

* The Eye of the Storm (2012)

* Den mørkeste dagen (2013)


* The Secrets of Shakespeare's Sonnets (2010)

* The Shakespeare Conspiracy (2011)

* The Shakespeare Code (2012)

* The Shakespeare Curse (2013)

* The Shakespeare Enigma (2014)

* The Shakespeare Mystery (2015)

* The Shakespeare Solution (2016)

* The Shakespeare Legacy (2017)

* The Shakespeare Secret (2018)

* The Shakespeare Canon (2019)

* The Shakespeare Chronology (2020)

* The Shakespeare Biography (2021)


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