* De to karavanene (1983)
* The Summer Country (1984)
* The Snow Garden (1986)
* The Painted Fan (1987)
* The Ice-Cream War (1988)
* The Gift of the Magi (1989)
* The Magician's Apprentice (1990)
* The Door in the Wall (1991)
* The Secret of the Sands (1992)
* The Whispering Shadow (1993)
* The Fire on the Hill (1994)
* The Lost Treasure (1995)
* The Dragon's Tail (1996)
* Enhjørningens horn (1997)
* The Mermaid's Song (1998)
* The Phoenix's Feather (1999)
* The Castle in the Clouds (2000)
* The Island of Secrets (2001)
* The Magic Carpet (2002)
* The Enchanted Forest (2003)
* Kjempenes land (2004)
* Enhjørningenes dal (2005)
* The Mountain of Fire (2006)
* The City of Gold (2007)
* The Secret of the Sfinx (2008)
* Tutankhamons grav (2009)
* The Lost City of Atlantis (2010)
* Den kinesiske mur (2011)
* Taj Mahal (2012)
* Pyramidene i Giza (2013)
* The Machu Picchu (2014)
* Frihetsgudinnen (2015)
* Eiffeltårnet (2016)
* The Colosseum (2017)
* The Parthenon (2018)
* Det skjeve tårnet i Pisa (2019)
* Verdens historie (2008)
* USAs historie (2009)
* The History of Europe (2010)
* Asias historie (2011)
* The History of Africa (2012)
* Sør-Amerikas historie (2013)
* Sentral-Amerikas historie (2014)
* Nord-Amerikas historie (2015)
* Australias historie (2016)
* The History of New Zealand (2017)
* Midtøstens historie (2018)
* The History of the Caribbean (2019)