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Hva har forfatteren Claudine Weatherford skrevet?

Bøker for barn

* "Boks:Henry Brown sender seg selv til frihet"

* "Schomburg:Mannen som bygde et bibliotek"

* "Lyden som jazz lager"

* "Unevnelig:The Tulsa Race Massacre"

* "Freedom in Four Voices:The D-Day Landings"

* "Mange tusen borte"

* "Sugar in Milk:A Story of Haiti and the Haitian Revolution"

* "The Girl who Shot Cupid:A Story of the Not-So-Gentle Sex"

* "skjult i tid"

* "Hvor sommerfugler fyller himmelen"

* "Jefferson's Sons:A Founding Father's Secret Children"

* "Talking Trash:A Story of Garbage and Recycling"

* "Frihet på menyen:The Greensboro Sit-Ins"

Bøker for voksne

* "The Great Migration:An American Story of Race and Identity"

* "Å gjenvinne våre røtter:afroamerikanske kvinner og selvbestemmelse"

* "Black Lives Matter:From a Moment to a Movement"

* "The Harlem Renaissance:A Cultural Explosion"

* "Borgerrettighetsbevegelsen:En historie fra begynnelse til slutt"

* "The Black Panthers:A History of the Revolutionary Party"

* "The Tuskegee Experiment:A Tragic Tale of Race, Science and Power"

* "Jim Crow:A History of Racial Segregation in the United States"

* "Stemmerett:En historie om kampen om stemmeseddelen"

* "Black History:A Comprehensive Guide to the African American Experience"


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