* The House of Shadows (1928)
* Ønskeøya (1930)
* Fantomskogen (1931)
* The Gates of Doom (1932)
* Det tapte kontinentet (1934)
* The Valley of the Giants (1936)
* De dødes by (1938)
* The Temple of the Sun (1940)
* The Land of the Living Dead (1942)
* The Kingdom of the Damned (1944)
* The Secret of Atlantis (1932)
* Mysteriet med den store pyramiden (1935)
* Den antikke verden (1937)
* The Story of the Earth (1939)
* Verdens underverker (1941)
* Universet og dets mysterier (1943)
* Jorden og dens naboer (1945)
* The Story of Man (1947)
* The Mysteries of Life and Death (1949)