* The Complete Persephone Playbook:Unleashing the Power of the Dark Goddess Within (2023)
* Nummer én:The Meaning and Magic of the Single Number (2019)
* The Stars Within You:A Modern Guide to Astrology (2017)
* Du trenger ikke være alt:Dikt for kvinner som gjør for mye (2016)
* Aquarius:The Water-Bearer (2016)
* Væren:The Ram (2016)
* Virgo:The Virgin (2016)
* Leo:The Lion (2016)
* Kreft:The Crab (2016)
* Gemini:The Twins (2016)
* Libra:The Scales (2016)
* Taurus:The Bull (2016)
* Fiskene:Fiskene (2016)
* Capricorn:The Goat (2016)
* Sagittarius:The Archer (2016)
* Scorpio:The Scorpion (2016)
* "How to Break Up with Mercury Retrograde" (The Cut, 2019)
* "The Dark Goddess:A Feminist Perspective" (The Huffington Post, 2018)
* "The New Astrology:How the Stars Can Help You Find Your Purpose" (Goop, 2017)
* "Månens kraft:Hvordan utnytte dens energi for personlig vekst" (Well+Good, 2017)
* "Hvordan bruke astrologi til å velge den beste karrieren for deg" (The Muse, 2017)
* "The Essential Oils of the Zodiac:How to Use Them to Enhance Your Mood and Energy" (mindbodygreen, 2017)
* "The Crystals of the Zodiac:How to Use Them to Tap into Your Indre Power" (Refinery29, 2017)
* "The Cosmic Guide Podcast" (2019-i dag)
* "The Astrology of Love" (2018)
* "The Astrology of Career Success" (2018)
* "The Astrology of Personal Growth" (2018)
* "Astrology 101:The Basics of Astrology" (2019)
* "Astrology 201:Advanced Astrology Techniques" (2019)
* "Astrologi for nybegynnere" (2018)
* "The Astrology of Relationships" (2018)
* "The Astrology of Career Success" (2018)
* "The Astrology of Personal Growth" (2018)