- The Lost Journals of Benjamin Franklin: _Frimurernøkkelen_, _De vises stein_ og _Hemmeligheten bak frihetsklokken_
- De farlige dagene til Daniel X: _The Darkening_, _The Unseen_, _The Keys to the Kingdom_, _The Last Hope_
- Dark Shadows:Wolf Moon Chronicles: _Bloodline_, _Sorte stearinlys_, _Sølv Rondo_
- American Chillers: _The Legend of Sleepy Hollow_, _The Secret of the Crystal Cave_, _The Curse of the Spider Queen_, _The Ghostly Galleon_, _Attack at Point Doom_, _The Secret of the Stone Circle_, _Vanished in the Night_, _The Vampire Strikes Back_
- Annet: _A Child's Book of Scary Stories_, _Nightfall:Terror in the Twilight_ (medforfatter av Stephen King, Joe Hill og Tim Lebbon), _Shadows Over Baker Street_, _The Man From Hell's Kitchen_, _Under the Witch's Moon_
- _The Science of Fear:Why Horror Works_
- _The Unholy Alliance:How Horror Underholdt oss mens Amerika sov_
- _The Everything Horror Book:Det beste fra fortid, nåtid og fremtid_