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Hva har forfatteren Bruce Campbell Adamson skrevet?


- *How to Draw Horses:Techniques for Mastering Equine Art* (1996)

- * Drawing Realistic Horses:Advanced Techniques for Capturing the Spirit of the Horse* (1998)

- *Vildlivsillustrasjon:Teknikker for å lage realistiske tegninger* (2000)

- *The Art of Bruce Campbell Adamson:A Collection of Horse and Wildlife Drawings* (2003)

- *Tegning:Et komplett kurs* (2010)

- *The Fundamentals of Drawing:A Guide to Traditional Techniques* (2014)

- *Lær å tegne:Animals:A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Realistic Animal Drawings* (2015)

- *Lær å tegne:Horses:A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Realistic Horse Drawings* (2016)

- *Lær å tegne:Wildlife:A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Realistic Wildlife Drawings* (2017)

- *Drawing Animals:Techniques for Portraying Wildlife* (2020)

- *Grunnleggende om tegning:En guide til perspektiv, proporsjon og anatomi* (2022)


- "Drawing the Horse:A Guide to Anatomy and Conformation" (Equine Art, våren 1995)

- "Wildlife Illustration:Techniques for Creating Realistic Drawings" (Wildlife Art, juli/august 1998)

- "The Art of Bruce Campbell Adamson" (Wildlife Art, januar/februar 2003)

- "Drawing:A Complete Course" (amerikansk kunstner, april 2010)

- "The Fundamentals of Drawing:A Guide to Traditional Techniques" (amerikansk kunstner, januar 2014)

- "Learn to Draw:Animals:A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Realistic Animal Drawings" (Wildlife Art, januar/februar 2015)

- "Learn to Draw:Horses:A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Realistic Horse Drawings" (Equine Art, mars/april 2016)

- "Learn to Draw:Wildlife:A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Realistic Wildlife Drawings" (Wildlife Art, januar/februar 2017)

- "Drawing Animals:Techniques for Portraying Wildlife" (Wildlife Art, januar/februar 2020)

- "Drawing Basics:A Guide to Perspective, Proportion, and Anatomy" (amerikansk kunstner, april 2022)


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