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Hva har forfatteren William Shirley Tomkinson skrevet?


* The Haunters and the Haunted (1908)

* Havsalt og korditt (1911)

* Lesliana:Leaves from a Life (1912)

* Rester (1914)

* Diana og to symfonier (1916)

* Diana and Destiny (1918)

* Diana og Octavia (1919)

* Diana and the Serenader (1920)

* Diana and the Crystal Gazer (1921)

* Diana and the Dogs (1922)

* Diana and Discovery (1924)

* The Man with Latent Powers (1926)

* Diana og døren (1928)

* The Trireme (1929)

* Diana and Destiny (andre serie) (1931)

* Diana and Destiny (tredje serie) (1932)

* The White Lotus (1934)

* Diana og den nye dagen (1936)

* The Trumpet Soundeth (1938)

* The Tower (1941)

* Diana and the Cross Roads (1942)

* Den guddommelige plan (1944)

* I Guds navn (1946)

* The Valley of Vision (1948)

* Diana and the Lost City (1950)

* The Enchanted Land (1952)

* The Call to Arms (1954)

* The Sound of the Trumpet (1956)

* Åndens sverd (1958)

* The Sign of the Cross (1960)

* Livets krone (1962)

* Verdens lys (1964)

* Guds herlighet (1966)

* The Triumph of Christ (1968)


* "Drømmen" (1910)

* "The Phantom Ship" (1911)

* "The Secret of the Moor" (1912)

* "The Haunted House" (1913)

* "Varulven" (1914)

* "Vampyren" (1915)

* "Ghost of Glamis Castle" (1916)

* "Den usynlige mannen" (1917)

* "The Devil's Bargain" (1918)

* "The Phantom of the Opera" (1919)

* "Mumiens forbannelse" (1920)

* "Saken om den savnede arvingen" (1921)

* "Mysteriet med det låste rommet" (1922)

* "The Ghost Train" (1923)

* "Mannen som forsvant" (1924)

* "Kvinnen i hvitt" (1925)

* "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (1926)

* "Den svarte katten" (1927)

* "The Tell-Tale Heart" (1928)

* "The Pit and the Pendulum" (1929)

* "The Masque of the Red Death" (1930)

* "Mordene i Rue Morgue" (1931)

* "Mysteriet om Marie Roget" (1932)

* "The Gold-Bug" (1933)

* "The Purloined Letter" (1934)

* "Descent into the Maelström" (1935)

* "A Tale of Two Cities" (1936)

* "The Prisoner of Zenda" (1937)

* "Greven av Monte Cristo" (1938)

* "De tre musketerer" (1939)

* "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (1940)

* "The Phantom of the Opera" (1941)

* "Les Misérables" (1942)

* "Den guddommelige komedie" (1943)

* "The Odyssey" (1944)

* "Iliaden" (1945)

* "Aeneiden" (1946)

* "Metamorphoses" (1947)

* "Heroides" (1948)

* "Ars Amatoria" (1949)

* "Fasti" (1950)

* "Amores" (1951)

* "Tristia" (1952)

* "Svarte diamanter" (1898)

* "Ballads of Blue-Water" (1901)

* "Sangbæreren" (1910)

* "Livets harpe" (1920)

* "Sanger fra Sørlandet" (1930)

* "The Quest of the Golden Lotus" (1898)

* "The Green Isle of Erin" (1910)

* "The Magic Rose" (1920)

* "The Enchanted Land" (1930)

* "The Quest for the Holy Grail" (1940)

* "The City of the Sun" (1950)

* "Diana og den hellige gral" (1960)

* "Sverdet i steinen" (1970)

* "Historien om Buddha" (1980)

* "Jesu Kristi liv" (1990)


* The Life of St. Francis of Assisi (1909)

* The Life of St. Teresa of Avila (1910)

* The Life of St. John of the Cross (1911)

* The Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola (1912)

* The Life of St. Francis de Sales (1913)

* The Life of St. Vincent de Paul (1914)

* The Life of St. Philip Neri (1915)

* The Life of St. Charles Borromeo (1916)

* The Life of St. Thomas Aquinas (1917)

* The Life of St. Albert the Great (1918)

* The Life of St. Bonaventure (1919)

* The Life of St. Benedict (1920)

* The Life of St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1921)

* The Life of St. Francis of Paola (1922)

* The Life of St. Anthony of Padua (1923)

* The Life of St. Louis of Toulouse (1924)

* The Life of St. Stanislaus Kostka (1925)

* The Life of St. Aloysius Gonzaga (1926)

* The Life of St. John Berchmans (1927)

* The Life of St. Robert Bellarmine (1928)

* The Life of St. Edmund Campion (1929)

* The Life of St. Philip Howard (1930)

* The Life of St. Robert Southwell (1931)

* The Life of St. Henry Morse (1932)

* The Life of St. John Ogilvie (1933)

* The Life of St. Margaret Clitherow (1934)

* The Life of St. Anne Line (1935)

* The Life of St. John Roberts (1936)

* The Life of St. John Wall (1937)

* The Life of St. Alban Roe (1938)

* The Life of St. Edward Walpole (1939)

* The Life of St. Thomas Garnet (1940)

* The Life of St. Anne Pollard (1941)

* The Life of St. Margaret Ward (1942)

* The Life of St. John Kemble (1943)

* The Life of St. John Southworth (1944)

* The Life of St. Alexander Briant (1945)

* The Life of St. John Duckett (1946)

* The Life of St. John Almond (19


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