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Hva har forfatteren Clarence Richard Lindner skrevet?


- Miguel of the Bright Mountain (1949)

- From Hand to Mouth:The Autobiography of Clarence Richard Lindner (1950)

- Rebel without a Cause (1944)

- The Art of Real Happiness (1950)

- Stone Flower:A Tale of the Ural (1945)

- The Fifty-Minute Hour:A Collection of Psychotherapeutic Techniques (1954)

- The Harried Leisure Class (1970)

- Prescription for Rebellion (1972)

- Myten om lykke (1975)

- The Pursuit of Excitement:The Adult Game of Psychological Hide-and-Seek (1981)

Artikler og essays

- "Den psykologiske romanen" (1949)

- "Kunsten å psykoterapi" (1950)

- "The Nature of Happiness" (1950)

- "The Problem of Evil" (1952)

- "The Search for Meaning" (1954)

- "The Psychology of Religion" (1956)

- "The Future of Psychotherapy" (1958)

- "The Challenge of Modern Psychology" (1960)

- "Krisen i psykoterapi" (1962)

- "The New Psychology of Happiness" (1970)

- "Myten om psykisk sykdom" (1972)

- "The Pursuit of Excitement" (1975)

- "The Psychology of Happiness Revisited" (1980)

- "The Future of Psychology" (1985)


- Guggenheim Fellowship (1948)

- National Book Award for Nonfiction (1951)

- Pulitzer-prisen for skjønnlitteratur (1944)


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