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Hva har forfatteren Howard Channon skrevet?

Howard Channon (1929–1999) var en britisk forfatter og poet, mest kjent for sine romaner og sitt arbeid innen parapsykologi.


* *Adventures of a Psychic Detective* (1971)

* *Adventures in Psychical Research* (1975)

* *The Mystery of Psychic Healing* (1977)

* *The Psi Factor:A Look at the Evidence for Psychic Phenomena* (1978)

* *The Loch Ness Monster:The Evidence* (1979)

* *The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle* (1979)

* *The Poltergeist Phenomenon* (1979)

* *The Search for Atlantis* (1979)

* *The UFO Mystery:A Look at the Evidence* (1981)

* *Verdens største UFO-mysterier* (1981)

* *The Book of Psychic Phenomena* (1982)

* *The Handbook of Psychic Phenomena* (1983)

* *The Encyclopedia of Psychic Phenomena* (1984)


* *The Darkening of the Sun* (1957)

* *The Burning Glass* (1958)

* *The Devil's Tide* (1959)

* *Svartedauden* (1960)

* *Den store pesten* (1961)

* *De siste dagene til Sodoma og Gomorra* (1962)

* *Paktens ark* (1963)

* *The Curse of Tutankhamun* (1964)

* *The Secret of Atlantis* (1965)

* *Den dagen jorden sto stille* (1966)

* *The War of the Worlds* (1967)

* *The Time Machine* (1968)

* *20 000 ligaer under havet* (1969)

* *Reise til jordens sentrum* (1970)

* *The Return of Sherlock Holmes* (1971)

* *The Hound of the Baskervilles* (1972)

* *Fryktens dal* (1973)

* *De fires tegn* (1974)

* *The Scarlet Thread* (1975)

* *The Last Adventure of Sherlock Holmes* (1976)


* *Til det ukjente* (1960)

* *The Voice of the Sea* (1962)

* *The Songs of the Stars* (1964)

* *The Echoes of Eternity* (1966)

* *The Whispers of the Wind* (1970)

* *The Music of the Spheres* (1972)


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