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Hva har forfatteren Aaron B Wildavsky skrevet?


* Dixon-Yates:A Study in Power Politics

* Budsjettprosessens politikk

* Offentlig budsjettering:En leser om politikk og prosess

* Budsjettering og styring

* The Remaking of American Politics:Institutions and Society

* Speaking Truth to Power:The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis

* The Search for Safety:A Study of Risk-Taking and the Nuclear-Power Controversy

* Lære å designe:lage pedagogisk programvare

* The Rise of the American Welfare State:From Social Problem to Political Issue


* "Politiske implikasjoner av budsjettreform" (1961)

* "De to presidentskapene" (1966)

* "On the Study of Policy" (1970)

* "Den nye politikken i budsjettprosessen" (1975)

* "American Politics:The Classical Age to the Third Century" (1983)

* "Risiko og læring" (1988)

* "Policy Design as a Craft" (1992)

* "The Public as Debtor:The Changing Role of the American States" (1995)

Andre skrifter

* Essays i statsvitenskap

* The Politics of Regulation:A Comparative Perspective

* Velferdsstaten i omstilling

* The Rational Choice Theory of Politics

* Presidentskapet:Et sammenlignende perspektiv


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