- 2008:"An Education in Death:The Death Penalty in U.S. Schools "
- 2019:"The Killing of America's Children:Stories of Childhood Lost to Trauma and Torture "
Rapporter og bokkapitler
- 1999:"Rapport fra komiteen for å utvikle anbefalinger om forskning som involverer barn i skolesystemet "
- 2001:"School Climate and Child Outcomes Under Adolescence:A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Research "
- 2005:"Betydningen av et omfattende helseutdanningsprogram på hver skole:en forskningssyntese "
- 2006:"Educating Children in Violent Settings:A Review of the Research Literature and Implikations for Policy and Practice "
- 2007:"The National School Climate Center's Conceptual Framework and Measures:A Review of Research and Theory "
- 2008:"The Role of School Nurses in Promoting School Climate:A Review of Research and Policy Recommendations "
- 2019:"Trauma and Torture:The Hidden Epidemic in Our Nation's Schools "
- 2019:"Forholdet mellom skoleklima og elevatferd:En gjennomgang av forskning "