* _The Player's Handbook_:A Young Adult Fantasy Novel
* _The Gamemaster's Handbook_:A Young Adult Fantasy Novel
* _You're Gonna Go Far, Kid_:A Memoir
* _The Lonely World of Women with Aspergers_:A Memoir
* _The Autism Spectrum Disorder Guidebook_:A Guide for Families
* _The Neurodiversity Handbook_:A Guide for Employers and Educators
* _The Intersectionality Handbook_:En veiledning for aktivister og allierte
* _The Social Justice Handbook_:A Guide for Educators and Activists
* _The Mental Health Handbook_:En guide for alle
* _The Chronic Illness Handbook_:En veiledning for pasienter og familier
* _Håndboken for LGBTQ+_:En veiledning for alle
* _Håndboken for funksjonshemming_:En veiledning for alle
* _The Allyship Handbook_:En guide for alle