* The Bells of Old St. Paul's (1908)
* Lille rød vott (1909)
* The Making of a Girl (1910)
* The Adventures of Jack (1912)
* Når mor lar oss leke (1914)
* På sporet (1916)
* I skoledagene (1918)
* The Boy Scouts on Vacation (1920)
* Den unge mineralogen (1922)
* The Young Railroad Man (1924)
* The Young Lumberman (1926)
* Den unge journalisten (1928)
* Den unge legen (1930)
* Den unge advokaten (1932)
* Den unge ingeniøren (1934)
* Den unge oppfinneren (1936)
* Den unge kjemikeren (1938)
* The Young Aviator (1940)
* The Young Marine (1942)
* Den unge soldat (1944)
* Den unge sjømannen (1946)
* The Young Airman (1948)
* Historiske og biografiske skisser av Old St. Paul's (1895)
* The Chronicles of St. Paul (1904)
* Historien om St. Paul (1906)
* Minnesota Stories (1908)
* Tales of the Northwest (1909)
* Legends of Minnesota (1910)
* De store innsjøene (1911)
* Mississippi-dalen (1912)
* Rocky Mountains (1913)
* Nordvestkysten (1914)
* The Southwest Desert (1915)
* Øststatene (1916)
* Sørstatene (1917)
* Mellomstatene (1918)
* De vestlige statene (1919)
* Nordstatene (1920)
* USA (1921)
* Verden (1922)
* Solsystemet (1923)
* Universet (1924)
* A B C-boken (1900)
* The My Book (1901)
* The Your Book (1902)
* The His Book (1903)
* Boken hennes (1904)
* Babyens bok (1905)
* Barnets bok (1906)
* Gutteboken (1907)
* The Girl's Book (1908)
* De unges bok (1909)
* Barneboken (1910)
* De små folks bok (1911)
* The Wee Folks' Book (1912)
* The Tiny Tots' Book (1913)
* The Babykins' Book (1914)
* De minstes bok (1915)
* The Mother Goose Book (1916)
* Nursery Rhyme Book (1917)
* Eventyrboken (1918)
* Bibelens historiebok (1919)
* The Christmas Story Book (1920)
* The Easter Story Book (1921)
* The Thanksgiving Story Book (1922)
* Den fjerde juli-historieboken (1923)
* The Lincoln Story Book (1924)
* The Washington Story Book (1925)
* The Roosevelt Story Book (1926)
* The Columbus Story Book (1927)
* The Pilgrims Story Book (1928)
* The Pioneers Story Book (1929)
* The Indians Story Book (1930)
* The Negroes Story Book (1931)
* Den kinesiske historieboken (1932)
* Den japanske historieboken (1933)
* The Indian Story Book (1934)
* The Eskimo Story Book (1935)
* Den afrikanske historieboken (1936)
* The Australian Story Book (1937)
* The New Zealand Story Book (1938)
* The Hawaiian Story Book (1939)
* The Philippine Story Book (1940)
* The Puerto Rico Story Book (1941)
* The Virgin Islands Story Book (1942)
* The Alaska Story Book (1943)
* The Hawaii Story Book (1944)
* The Guam Story Book (1945)
* The Wake Island Story Book (1946)
* The Midway Story Book (1947)
* The Iwo Jima Story Book (1948)
* The Okinawa Story Book (1949)
* The Korea Story Book (1950)
* The Vietnam Story Book (1951)