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Hva har forfatteren Elisabeth Neumann-Gundrum skrevet?

Elisabeth Neumann-Gundrum har skrevet en rekke bøker og artikler innen kvinne- og kjønnsvitenskap. Noen av hennes mest kjente verk inkluderer:

- "Feminist Theory:A Reader" (1991, redigert sammen med Anna Tsing)

- "Gender and Power:A Feminist Critique of Psychotherapy" (1989)

- "The Politics of Women's Health:A Feminist Perspective" (1992, co-redigert med Carol Stabile og Diana Taylor)

- "Feminism and the Crisis of Representation:Beyond the Politics of Identity" (1995, co-redigert med Lynn Hankinson Nelson)

- "The Postmodern Turn in Anthropology and the Challenge to Women's Studies" (1998)

- "Reconceiving Women:Separating Fact and Fiction in Women's Bodies" (2011, co-redigert med Karen M. Hansen og Wendy K. Kolmar)

- "Performing Gender, Class, and Race in American Theatre:A Critical Anthology" (2006, co-redigert med May Al-Dabbagh og Amy Shuman)

- "In the Name of Women's Health:Reproductive Rights and the Politics of Population Control" (1994, redigert)


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