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Hva har forfatteren Edward Bennett skrevet?


* _Immunity:The Science Behind Staying Well_ (2019)

* _Sannheten om virus:hva de er, hva de gjør og hvordan vi kan bekjempe dem_ (2018)

* _Life at the Extremes:The Science of Survival_ (2017)

* _How We Live and Why We Die:The Secret Lives of Cells_ (2015)

* _The Cosmic Zoo:Complex Life and Intelligence in the Universe_ (2014)

* _Dark Matters:Twisted But True Stories from the History of Medicine_ (2012)

* _The Cell:A Very Short Introduction_ (2010)

* _Microcosmos:The Microscope Revealed_ (2009)

* _Molecules of Emotion:The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine_ (2008)

Annen skriving:

* Regelmessig bidragsyter til _The New Scientist_, _The Guardian_, _The New York Times_ og _The Wall Street Journal_

* Forfatter av over 100 artikler og essays om vitenskap, medisin og helse


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